The Full Story
Trauma & PTSD
Treatment for Trauma & PTSD | Trauma Therapy | Online | London
Trauma and symptoms of trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) follow a significant event or traumatic experience such as: witnessing or being involved in some kind of threat or attack, violence, physical or emotional abuse, narcissistic abuse, childhood neglect, bullying, war, conflicts, accidents or injuries. Symptoms of trauma can also arise from any kind of negative experience, like feeling embarrassed, ashamed, frightened, rejected, betrayed or neglected. Essentially trauma is a result of an experience that threatens our personal sense of safety, security or survival. It is described as a normal reaction to abnormal or unusual events or experiences.
Symptoms of trauma & PTSD include:
reliving of the original experience
intrusive thoughts, images or memories
feelings of shock, denial or disbelief
anxiety & fear
irritability & anger
feelings of guilt or shame
low self-esteem
withdrawing from family and friends
feelings of disconnection
difficulty sleeping
nightmares or flashbacks
difficulty relaxing
feeling on edge and jumpy
tensions, aches and pain
feeling under threat or in danger
These symptoms can appear within days, weeks, months or even years following specific events and can last until help is sought.
Trauma can be experienced at any time or from any situation where you feel overwhelmed, scared or shocked. Earlier life events can leave some people more susceptible to experiencing trauma. It can leave you feeling overwhelmed and despondent but help is available.
It is especially important to take your time to find a trauma therapist you feel comfortable with and one that is qualified and experienced in treating trauma. There are a wide array of psychotherapy approaches to treat trauma and it really is worth speaking to different people and exploring what feels most helpful to you.
Trauma therapy involves the processing of related memories and feelings as well as how this held or presents in the body. This can includes learning and developing ways to dissolve the strong surge of physiological responses that can be triggered by traumatic memories. Throughout the healing process of trauma therapy, many people report feeling more able to cope and deal with strong, previously overwhelming emotions as well as an increased sense of trust - both in themselves and in others.
Dr. Sarah Davies is a Chartered Counselling Psychologist & Trauma Therapist trained in the use of Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing (EMDR) and body-based approaches including sensorimotor psychotherapy and trauma-sensitive yoga.
EMDR is a psychological therapy technique used to treat trauma and PTSD as well as a range of other related issues such as phobias and addictions.